Solamente Holistic Health recently expanded to the B Ruppe Drugstore returning the space back to what it was originally used for—a healing center. For decades, the B Ruppe Drugstore was sought out by residents of Barelas and the greater Albuquerque area for both Western and natural healing practices. We sat down with the founder of Solamente Holistic Health, Elisharose Trujillo, to learn more about her journey and what you can expect from the recent expansion to Barelas. 

What is Solamente Holistic Health? Tell us about its inception. 

Solamente Holistic Health is primarily a Mental Health Practice with a focus on bringing holistic health services to individuals and families. Depending on the unique needs of the individual, we have providers with varying skill sets to best meet their needs. In my earlier years of practicing in the mental health industry, I would find myself running into limitations of trying to help individuals who were looking to be “fixed” and fixed quickly.  

In remembering stories of the old ways of healing, I knew there could be a more expansive way to help people with their conditions. I was then reminded that only the individual can find their true path to healing. Hence the name “Solamente.” That path can oftentimes be the more difficult approach, however; it can also serve as gratification when an individual is reminded of their own strength and ability.  

Since the opening of Solamente, I have had the privilege to learn from so many people about how unlimited the education of holistic care can be.   

What made you decide to move your business to Barelas?  

It was not an original thought of mine to expand Solamente into Barelas. Ruben Macias, from Homewise, contacted me to discuss possible collaboration. After the initial meeting, and learning the enriching history of the B. Ruppe, there was no possible way I could turn it down. The vibrant culture of Barelas is palpable. I used to live in the neighborhood as a single mother and would walk on 4th Street on cold winter nights–one of my favorite memories. Barelas has a feeling of “Home” to it.  I grew up in Northern New Mexico, where the word Querencia is used frequently, so I like to believe I am sensitive to feelings like that.   

What would a Barelas resident expect to experience at Solamente Holistic Health when they walk in the door?  

Solamente Holistic Health is primarily a mental health practice that has recently added Comprehensive Community Support Services (CCSS), which is a client-centered model that helps people with mental illness recover and live independently. It provides necessary services to support independent living including job search support and one-on-one therapy. My plan is to weave culturally relevant services into our CCSS practice at Solamente. 

In front of the business, there will be a full Holistic Community Center.  An apothecary bar will be built and stocked with locally harvested herbs and medicines made by local healers. In addition to holistic care, there will be a small stage to host the local arts and community events. The hope for this space is that locals will come and share their stories.   

Maclovia Zamora led the change of this building from a conventional pharmacy to a space of natural healing. How will Solamente honor the history of the building?  

We will honor the history of the building by continuing to learn about Maclovia Zamora.  I feel we only know the surface of how magically she impacted the community of Barelas. There is still so much we need to explore about her legacy and the impressions she made on the people. The best way to do that is to listen to the stories of the community. Language is a beautiful gift we have as a New Mexican culture. It helps us to build relationships, trust and community. It is in our best interest to use that gift to honor her memory.   
