7 Great Reasons to work with a Homewise Realtor®

1. Homewise Realtors® are salary based.
Unlike typical Realtors®, our Realtors® are salary based, which means we are not driven by commission checks or getting clients into homes regardless of price. Our Realtors® are part of a Homeownership team that guides clients on their journey to purchasing a home that is right for their budget and lifestyle, and where they can be financially successful for years to come.
2. We work with clients of all income levels and specialize in first-time homebuyers.
Many local Realtors® focus on high-end clients and do a handful of transactions in a year, whereas Homewise Realtors® are servicing clients at all income levels, and getting dozens of people into homes every month. Our Realtors® have up-todate knowledge, a firm grasp on current market trends, and a great deal of experience—all of which empowers our clients to make sound home purchase decisions. And if you’re a first-time homebuyer, Homewise can help you become financially prepared for homeownership, ensuring that you’ll qualify for the best mortgage possible
3. We offer exclusive listings.
Homewise has a positive reputation in the community as a nonprofit organization that helps first-time homebuyers and others improve their financial well-being through affordable homeownership. We work with sellers that support our mission and list their homes through our Homewise Exclusive program. Our buyers are then able to purchase Homewise Exclusive Homes without the pressure of competing offers from outside buyers that they would experience with listings on the open market.
4. Everything you need under one roof.
Our Realtors® work hand-in-hand with your entire homeownership team including your Home Purchase Advisor, Loan Officer, and closing team—to ensure a seamless process and a quick resolution should any problems arise. Our Real Estate team is responsive to your questions and concerns, and will walk you through every step of the home buying process.
5. Support the local economy.
As a nonprofit, all commissions received by Homewise directly support our work and clients. In most cases the seller pays this commission.
6. No GRT taxes.
Homewise, Inc. is a 501 C3 not for profit organization and does not collect NM Gross Receipts Tax in accordance with the Listing Agreement.
7. Long-term support.
Our mission is to create successful homeowners for a lifetime. After you close on your home we don’t shut the books. We have a ‘New Home, Now What?’ class to help you thrive as a homeowner. You can also count on us for affordable refinancing and home improvement loans. And if you outgrow your first home, you’ll have a Realtor® that you know and trust. We’ll be here to help you sell your first home quickly and find a new one that will accommodate your changing needs.