RIO RANCHO, N.M.- Today through January 5, 2024, low- to moderate-income Rio Rancho homeowners can apply for home repair assistance.
The City of Rio Rancho has once again partnered with the non-profit Homewise, Inc., to administer this program. Those interested can apply for consideration via the Homewise website, https://homewise.my.salesforce-sites.com/rioranchograntapplication.
Assistance is capped at $25,000 for each home. Per applicable Federal guidelines, only homeowners that are at or below 65% of the area median income for county and size of household based on the most recent data published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development are eligible for assistance.
Eligible expenses include:
- heating/mechanical systems
- plumbing systems
- roofs
- door
- windows
- siding
- electrical systems
- principal fixtures and standard components where systems are severely deteriorated or failing and/or to bring them up to current building codes and standards while simultaneously increasing efficiency of the home
Homewise will use a point scale to direct the use of funds to those most in need. Applicants will be ranked equitably according to the same program criteria that includes applicant’s income, homeowner’s age, disability status, and the results of a complimentary third-party needs assessments designed to identify, health, safety, durability, and energy-efficiency concerns. Home repair assistance, in the form of a grant, will be provided as available funding allows.
This fall, the Rio Rancho Governing Body (Mayor and City Council) earmarked $575,000 for home repair program assistance funding. The source is Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding previously distributed to the City of Rio Rancho.
In 2022, using $360,000 in Federal ARPA funds, the City of Rio Rancho partnered with Homewise for home repair assistance, which resulted in 15 Rio Rancho homes receiving a variety of repair work.
As Rio Rancho’s partner, Homewise will income qualify homeowners, verify completion of repairs made by contractors, offer technical assistance and education to homeowners, manage the program as required by Federal guidelines, and will receive an administrative fee for their services.
Homewise is a New Mexico-based nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) founded in 1986. Homewise helps people achieve financial stability through affordable and sustainable homeownership. Homewise offers a comprehensive suite of homeownership services that includes financial education and coaching, real estate services, affordable mortgage lending and down payment assistance, loan servicing, refinance and home improvement lending. To learn more, visit Homewise’s website at www.homewise.org or call (505) 243-6566.
For more information about The City of Rio Rancho, visit www.rrnm.gov. Follow The City on X (twitter.com/RioRanchoNM), Facebook (facebook.com/RioRanchoGov), and Instagram (OfficialCityofRioRanchoNM).