From renters to owners: Successful Albuquerque entrepreneurs further invest in business—and community—by purchasing building

Christina and Carlos Davis, owners of Trendz Beauty Supply in Albuquerque
Christina and Carlos Davis, owners of Trendz Beauty Supply, launched their business in December 2010. They wanted to start a beauty supply company specializing in hair and wigs, after having several negative customer service experiences with other hair stores. They saw a need to offer high-quality hair pieces at affordable prices with a focus on providing excellent customer service, and intentionally marketed their shop to a wider audience including Caucasian, Hispanic, and Indigenous customers, who they believed were underserved by the offerings in the current marketplace.
Since opening their original shop of 1,700 square feet, they have grown their business with a loyal customer base. They first moved to a 3,000 square foot shop, and then to their current 8,000 square foot location with an additional warehouse space next door of another 2,850 square feet! Christina and Carlos rented the store space for Trendz, but always wanted to own their own building.
In 2018, they began working with the International District Economic Development Department (IDED), which specializes in providing technical assistance and financial consulting to small businesses who want to grow. Homewise also has a partnership with the IDED, and that was the connecting point for Carlos and Christina to meet us. When they learned that the owner of the building where they were renting store
space was interested in selling it, they began working with Homewise to obtain financing to buy it.
With their entrepreneurship, creativity, dedication to hard work and serving their customers and community, it was a perfect match. Their vision doesn’t end with their business. Carlos and Christina also believe in giving back to help strengthen their community. They donate wigs and gift cards to various cancer societies, as well as wigs and monetary funds to domestic abuse shelters, throughout New Mexico. They also host toy and food drives for their local community during the holidays.

In June of 2022 Carlos and Christina purchased the building where they own and operate Trendz Beauty supply with an affordable commercial loan from Homewise. Homewise launched our commercial mortgage loan program in partnership with the New Mexico Small Business Investment Corporation (NMSBIC) to provide affordable capital to help small businesses and nonprofit organizations own their buildings instead of rent. This initiative helps to increase financial wellbeing for small business owners and nonprofit service providers, as well as create opportunities
for positive economic development by revitalizing disinvested commercial districts without displacing these creative local entrepreneurs who provide needed community services.